Welcome to our blog: Life's Lessons in Little things.😊
March 2025
Missions - Remembering those in Need
At ChristChurch Peckham, we typically set aside one weekend each year to hold Missionary services. During these meetings, speakers from different missions are invited to talk about their work and ministry. Following the meetings, if able, the congregation are invited to give a financial donation to support the work of either that mission, or a variety of others.
This particular month, faced with a number of financial commitments, I had decided quietly not to give. After all, I reasoned, I had always donated in previous years. Surely God would understand..
And then I had a dream….
It was a cold day, and I was part of a large throng of people, walking down a road. Our destination was an office building, before which was a huge gate. As I hurried along with the crowd, I realized I had lost track of my children. 😟 Although slightly uneasy, I figured they must be with other family members and would somehow find their way through the gate as well. (Similar to Mary and Joseph’s temple visit when Jesus was 12 years old -
Luke 2:41-52).
I got into the building and started bustling about with various tasks, when an important official
asked me to check if the gate was firmly shut 🔒. I personally checked the massive gate, and confirmed to him that it was indeed closed. 🚷
On getting back to my office in the upper floors, someone pointed to the window, exclaiming that there were children outside the gate. Looking out, my heart completely dropped!!!
With deep horror I realised that my children –
my very own children, were among those outside the now locked gate!! 😨“We’re hungry and cold mummy!” They cried out upon seeing me. “Our friends are hungry and cold too!”
I was frantic 😰. I would have done anything - given anything, to get my children in with me, and get them safe, warmed and fed!🤷♂️
Startled, and with my heart pounding, I woke up. So vivid was the dream!
As I pondered 🤔, I remembered how I had planned not to donate toward missions this month. It dawned on me what an immense difference it makes to giving, when we realise that those in need are not just nameless people far away.🌍
They are our very own..
Verse of the month: Deutoronomy 15:11
..Therefore I command you, 'You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land...
Notices / Upcoming speakers:
👉 Sunday 8th March - 11am Morning Service: Speaker from Lifewords
👉 Sunday 8th March Evening service - Paul Allen
God bless you and we look forward to seeing you then.